
How to get rid of water stains on wood

water stains on wood
If your counters or tables are made of wood, yet you regularly forget to use coasters, you will end up with a bunch of water stains and ring marks that will ruin the beautiful looks of your living room/kitchen. If your wooden surface is not properly sealed, the watermark will end up deeper into the wood and will become harder to remove. However, for properly sealed wood, those marks are not such an issue. Grab one of the following household ingredients and follow the instructions you will find below.
No matter which method you decide to use, do it gently, work slowly and don’t overdo it. Use small amounts of any solution and gently work it in the stain. Avoid harsh scrubbing or lots of liquids on the wood. One will end up scratching and damaging the finish of your wood, the other may simply make things worse.
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How to remove tape residue from various surfaces

We all use tape for various reasons. Whether it is to repair a leak, a broken piece, hold up decorations or fix a sagging hem, the many types of tape you can find on the market nowadays will undoubtedly help you find a solution to any issue. However, once you remove the tape, what is left behind is a sticky residue all over the surface of whatever it is you used it on.
It is essential how you remove the tape, depending on its type, as well as the materials that the surface is made of. Of course, your main goal is to remove all of the tape, but it is as important to not damage the surface underneath. With a bit of patience and a few products, you can easily remove the sticky residue left behind after the tape.
This article will show you exactly how to do that so keep reading and find the best way to do that.
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How to get rid of soy sauce and wasabi stains from clothing

soy souse stain

Sushi is a wonderful delight that everyone likes to enjoy once in a while. However, if you are not proficient with chopsticks, you are most likely going to end up with a bunch of soy sauce and wasabi sauce all over your clothing. Even though some would say it is totally worth it, stained clothing is definitely unsightly. Do not panic if anything like this happens. Those stains can be easily removed at home using everyday household products that you probably have in your kitchen cupboard.

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Pool cleaning and maintenance tips

Swimming pools at home can certainly be both the homeowner’s jewel, as well as a liability that presents a lot of nuisance. It is of crucial importance to keep your pool in a clean and proper condition since not doing that will hurt your wallet, as well as cause some health issues for you and your loved ones. However, if you know how to properly take care of a pool (and have the time for it) can be a wonderful addition to any home.
In this article, we will share some simple tips and tricks which you can use in order to maintain the good condition of your pool and ensure it is beautiful and healthy.
Keep reading to find out what those are and make sure to not skip any of them.
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Different types of bugs around the house and how to get rid of them?

Bugs can be found anywhere. Even if your cleaning routine is regular and constant, bug infestations may occur anyways. The reasons for that are various and in this article, we will talk about the different types of bugs, what causes them to show up and how to get rid of them.

You certainly do not want to share your home with a bunch of tiny insects. However, they don’t usually ask and find their way into random areas of the house. Having bugs and insects at home does not mean you have poor hygiene. Letting them stay and take over your place – does. Keep reading to find out what the most common types of household insects are and how to get rid of them efficiently.

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Eco-friendly alternatives for bleach

If you recently switched to green cleaning or you simply are not a fan of using chlorine bleach, you may want to know what eco-friendly alternatives to this product are.
Chlorine bleach has a strong, overpowering smell but what is more, the cleaning product has been associated with poor lung health and harmful impacts on the environment. We are glad to inform you that there are, in fact, a number of better ways to disinfect and whiten. Keep reading to find out what some green alternatives to chlorine bleach are. You can use them to disinfect your cutting boards safely or for your laundry.
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How to keep your white canvas, leather, or suede Vans shoes clean?

Vans shoes are a classic that comes in many styles and materials. Whether you use them for everyday wear, skateboarding, or simply showing them off on your feet, they will require some care and maintenance. If you have had white shoes at least once in your life, you know how easy it is for them to become dull and unclean looking. There are different steps that you should take when it comes to cleaning, depending on the materials of your Vans, how often you wear them, and the type of dirt they might have on them.

Keep reading to find out what you can do in order to keep your Vans in good condition, no matter what materials they are made of.
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