Pool cleaning and maintenance tips

Swimming pools at home can certainly be both the homeowner’s jewel, as well as a liability that presents a lot of nuisance. It is of crucial importance to keep your pool in a clean and proper condition since not doing that will hurt your wallet, as well as cause some health issues for you and your loved ones. However, if you know how to properly take care of a pool (and have the time for it) can be a wonderful addition to any home.
In this article, we will share some simple tips and tricks which you can use in order to maintain the good condition of your pool and ensure it is beautiful and healthy.
Keep reading to find out what those are and make sure to not skip any of them.

1. Chlorinate the water – Chlorination of the water is one of the most fundamental tasks that will keep your pool well-maintained. Chlorine is perfect for sanitizing the water, as well as killing germs and harmful bacteria. It will also prevent the growth of algae that may cause discolouration of the water and sliminess. Try to maintain a safe level of 1-3 parts of chlorine per 1 million (1-3 ppm) of water. That is considered enough to keep algae and mould bacteria at bay and provide you with healthy swimming conditions. You should apply chlorine manually as often as needed (depending on the size of the pool, as well as how often it is being used). By doing this you will reduce the need of cleaning the pool as often.
2. Testing your pool water regularly – By regularly testing your water you will be able to control certain damaging factors, such as:
Alkalinity: Alkaline levels that are too high or low can result in cloudy water. A normal alkalinity level for a pool is 80-120 ppm.
• pH: An imbalance of the pH levels in your pool water can cause corrosion in pool equipment and cause algae and mould bacteria to grow. It is recommended that you maintain your pH levels between 7.4 and 7.6.
Chlorine: Even though chlorine is good for your pool’s water, too much of it can also cause damage. You should always consider the size of your pool when applying chlorine to the water ( check your manual’s instructions for more information on that). If the chlorine level in the water is too high, skin damage might be caused. If it is too low, bacteria and microbes may start growing. The recommended level is usually 1-3 ppm.
Calcium hardness: Calcium levels that are too high or low can cause damage to the pool’s lining and cause calcium deposits. Recommended calcium hardness is 200-400ppm.
3. Cleaning the pool filter – When it is time to clean the pool filter, you should always consider its type. Sand filters must be cleaned whenever the pool water starts becoming cloudy. Sand in the filter should be removed with a high-pressure hose and treated chemically at least twice a year. Cartridge filters use a cloth-like material to filter water instead of sand. They need to be removed and sprayed with a high-pressure hose twice a year as well.
4. Skimming your pool’s surface – Skimming your pool’s surface is of crucial importance to its proper maintenance. It is an easy task that you can quickly tackle daily. Doing this will rid you of floating debris and prevent them from reaching the bottom and disintegrating in the water.
5. Run the pool pump – The pool pump is your pool’s filtration system. You are supposed to run it once in a while in order to maintain the cleanliness of the water inside. What is more, the pool pump is able to evenly distribute chemicals throughout the pool and maintain its proper condition. By regularly pumping your pool, you will also filter bacteria and debris. Ideally, you should run your pump for at least 8 hours a day.
6. Check the basket filters – Basket filters are a great addition to any large pool. They filter larger debris and objects, such as leaves, twigs, and toys. It is best if you check and empty those filters daily. If they are not properly maintained and full, they will end up being not functional and your pool will be full of unwanted items. To make this task easier, consider maintaining the landscape around the pool (trim your trees, gather the fallen leaves, and sweep the surroundings of the pool regularly).

In general, pools can be a huge liability, especially when not maintained properly. They require a lot of time and effort but are also great to use. They increase your home value, provide a perfect and beautiful centrepiece to your backyard landscape, and keep you cool and healthy during the hot summer days. Follow the steps above to ensure that your pool is healthy and crystal blue.